News & Interviews

At BETAR, not only we value sharing our news, but particularly value the act of listening and learning from the experts with whom we collaborate and come across in our day-to-day activities: that's why our interviews were born.


Betar is one of the members of the ‘Construction Foundation’

The Order of Engineers, the Order of Architects and the Order of Economists have joined 14 construction-related companies to create a foundation to respond to the sector's challenges. Read more


A conversation with Arqº Francisco Pinto Basto e Filipa George

"The projects are all done together, right from the concept, where we really value optionality. (...) A project doesn't have one solution, it has several. We advise the option we prefer, but we always offer others" Read more


GOA Bridge Intelligence presented in Copenhagen

Betar is at IABMAS24 to publicize the results of the innovation project developed with AI Read more


A conversation with Nuno Carinhas

'We are here [in the theatre] to question the world. (...) There are half a dozen essential human questions, and they are reflected in the history of theatre. (...) We can talk about anything, relating it to the present time' Read more


9th African Transport Technology Transfer Conference

Betar took part in the event with the theme ‘GOA - Reshaping Bridge Management with AI, 3D tools and BIM’ Read more


Betar projects win National Award

Palácio Silva Amado and Funicular da Graça are among the winners of the National Urban Rehabilitation Award 2024 Read more


A conversation with Eng. Carla Carvalho

'We try to carry out intelligent and preventive management of the condition of the infrastructure, through periodic assessments (...) and thus prioritize the necessary annual investments' Read more


A conversation with Arqº Nuno Malheiro da Silva

'I'm a fan of partnerships and I think Portugal needs companies to come together to create larger groups, so that we can be competitive abroad [...] and we can conquer other markets' Read more


A conversation with Eng. Pedro Januário

'Digital transformation and the incorporation of artificial intelligence into our processes and decisions are already a reality, but I believe that, in the short term, they will be a determining factor in differentiation' Read more


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Portugal 2020 / Compete 2020 / União Europeia - Fundo Europeu do Desenvolvimento Regional